Concatenate Array
This activity concatenates arrays from different columns into a single column containing a single array.
Data only
Transformed data
Configuration Fields
- Column Names Specifies the columns containing arrays that need to be concatenated.
- Output Column The name of the new column where the concatenated array will be stored.
- Include Original
- If enabled Keeps the input data columns along with the transformed column.
- If disabled Includes only the transformed column .
Sample Input
ID | Column A | Column B |
1 | [“apple”] | [“banana”] |
2 | [“cat”] | [“dog”] |
3 | [“red”, “blue”] | [“green”] |
Sample Configuration
Sample Output 1 (With Include Original = true)
ID | Column A | Column B | Concatenated Array |
1 | [“apple”] | [“banana”] | [“apple”, “banana”] |
2 | [“cat”] | [“dog”] | [“cat”, “dog”] |
3 | [“red”, “blue”] | [“green”] | [“red”, “blue”, “green”] |
Sample Output 2 (With Include Original = false)
Concatenated Array |
[“apple”, “banana”] |
[“cat”, “dog”] |
[“red”, “blue”, “green”] |