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Automate Web Application


This activity automates interactions with a web application by performing various actions such as clicking, inputting text, extracting data, and navigating through different elements of the application.





Configuration Fields

  • Start URL URL of the web application’s starting page.

  • Browser Web browser to use for automation.(Chrome,Firefox)

  • Key column Identifier column for storing the result of each iteration of the web automation activity, using data from the previous activity.

  • Args Arguments or parameters required for the automation process.

  • Actions List of automation actions to perform on the web application. Options include

    • Click Simulates a mouse click on a web element.
    • Input Text Enters text into an input field.
    • Wait Pauses execution for a specified duration or until an element is available.
    • Script Executes a custom JavaScript script.
    • Select Field Selects a field in the application.
    • Extract Text Extracts text from a specific element.
    • Fill Completes an input field with a predefined value.
    • Dynamic Text Inserts dynamically generated text.
    • Drag And Drop Performs a drag-and-drop operation.
    • Dropdown Interacts with dropdown menus.
    • Find selector Finds an element using a specified selector.
    • Focus Moves focus to a specific web element.
    • Screenshot Captures a screenshot of the current web page.
    • Hover Moves the cursor over an element without clicking.
    • SelectOption Selects an option from a dropdown or list.
    • Tap Simulates a tap action, typically for touch-enabled devices.
    • Wait for selector Waits until a specified element appears in the DOM.
    • Wait for navigation Waits for a page navigation event to complete.

    Sample Input

Not Applicable

Sample Configuration

alt text

Sample Output

  • Screenshots of each action performed.
  • Browser popup.