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Query DataSource


This activity allows you to execute a query on a specified data source. The query results can be returned as data or optionally saved to a file. You can configure various options, such as the data source, query, encryption, and file formatting, to control how the query results are handled and saved.





Configuration Fields

  • Datasource Id Select the data source from the available options. This identifies the specific data source (e.g., a database or cloud service) on which the query will be executed.
  • Query The SQL or other query language expression that is executed on the selected data source to retrieve the required information.
  • Save As File When enabled, this option allows you to save the query results as a file. The file format (e.g., CSV, Excel) depends on additional configuration options.
  • Secret Key A secret key used for encrypting or securing the query results. This key ensures that sensitive information remains protected during the query execution and while saving the results.(Rendered when save as file is enabled)
  • Sheet Name The name of the sheet (in the case of Excel files) where the query results will be saved. If multiple sheets are involved, specify where to store the results.(Rendered when save as file is enabled)
  • File Pattern A pattern used to generate filenames for the files created from query results. For example, this could be a timestamp or a custom string that helps in naming output files uniquely.(Rendered when save as file is enabled)
  • Template File Path The file path for a template file that can be used when generating query results. This option allows you to structure the output using an existing template.(Rendered when save as file is enabled)
  • Template Sheet Name The name of the sheet in the template file where the query results should be populated. This ensures the query results are inserted into the correct location within the template.(Rendered when save as file is enabled)
  • Split By Column A column by which the query results will be split into multiple files or sections. This can be useful for dividing large datasets into manageable chunks.(Rendered when save as file is enabled)
  • Start Row The starting row in the output file or sheet where the query results will be written. This is helpful for positioning the data correctly within an existing file.(Rendered when save as file is enabled)
  • Start Column The starting column in the output file or sheet where the query results will begin. This ensures that the results are written in the appropriate place within the sheet.(Rendered when save as file is enabled)

Sample Input

Not Applicable

Sample Configuration

alt text

Sample Output

Query result Data