This activity fetches or manipulates data using GraphQL queries.
Configuration Fields
- Connection Configuration options for authentication session for GraphQL.
- Base Url Base URL for making requests to the GraphQL service.
- Request Type Type of HTTP request method (e.g., GET, POST).
- Headers Key-value pairs for custom HTTP headers.
- Url Params Additional parameters to be included in the URL for the GraphQL request.
- Parameters Options for additional parameters to pass in the query.
- Operation Type of operation to be performed (e.g., query, mutation).
- Query Query string parameters for refining the request (e.g., GraphQL query).
- Variables Additional variables required for the operation.
- Root Of Response Root path of the response data.
- Next Page Key Value of the next page key (for pagination).
- Next Key Behaviour Determines how the next page key should be handled, whether as parameters or within the URL.
- Data For Time range or period for which data should be retrieved.
- Start Date Start date for the data retrieval operation when a date range is selected.
- End Date End date for the data retrieval operation when a date range is selected.
Sample Input
Not Applicable
Sample Configuration
Sample Output
Data from GraphQl