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The LOWER function converts all letters in a text string to lowercase.

Applicable to

Calculated Columns

Return Value

  • The LOWER function returns a new text string where all uppercase letters in the input text are converted to lowercase. Characters that are not letters remain unchanged.
  • If the input is NULL or BLANK, the function returns NULL.


  • The LOWER function is case-insensitive, meaning that it does not change the case of characters that are already lowercase.
  • LOWER function is applicable only for text values.



LOWER in Calculated Columns

ExpressionA placeholder in a function that is replaced with the actual column name.
Column NameThe name of the column in the dataset or Datasource that contains the values you want to analyze.

Write the LOWER function. For instance

  1. Replace <expression> with VALUE([Column Name]).Replace the Column Name with the actual name of the column required.
  2. To learn how to add calculated columns in Infoveave, visit the section Calculated Columns.