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Creating Infoboard

Create Infoboard

Get support on selecting the Infoboard template to showcase your data insights. This template selection process ensures that you can kickstart your Infoboard to resonates with your data storytelling goals. 

The section provides you with comprehensive guidance and support on how to select the Infoboard template to showcase the data. This template selection process ensures that you can kickstart your Infoboard to resonates with your data storytelling goals. 

Select Infoboard Template

Infoboard template ensures that you can quickly kickstart your Infoboard creation that resonates with your data storytelling goals.

Let us explore on selecting a new Infoboard template from Insights.

  1. Click on Insights from the Infoveave menu.
  2. Click on Create Infoboard. It opens up the collection of ready to use templates. Create Infoboard
  3. Browse through the selection of templates organized by functionality.
  4. Hover over a template description icon to see a description.
  5. Click on the preview icon on the template to live preview the Infoboard.
  6. Click on the Use this Template button to set the selected template as the foundation for your Infoboard. Get Started with Templates
  7. To create your design from scratch, start with a blank canvas under the tab Blank Template.
  8. Choose between a Designer Canvas Layout and a Grid Layout. Select the one that aligns with your preferred starting point. Select Layout
  9. Give your template a descriptive and meaningful name.
  10. Click the Save button to save your template.You will be redirected to the View mode of the template. Name Your Template
  11. Click on the Edit icon to begin editing your template. Drag & Drop Widget.
  12. Setup the Infoboard as required, under the Configuration panel.
  13. Select the appropriate date range for your Infoboard to define the time frame for your data. You can choose from several options, including
    • Default The date range is determined automatically based on the available dataset.
    • Fixed Date Specify a fixed date range as Years, Quarters, Months, Weeks, or Days.
    • No Date Choose this option if your Infoboard does not require date-related information.
  14. Use the dropdown menu to select relevant workflows that will be associated with this Infoboard.
  15. Choose the aspect ratio that suits your design, such as 16:9, 4:3, or a custom size.
    • If you select Custom Size, enter the desired width and height values.
    • Applying changes will automatically adjust the Infoboard’s dimensions. Interactive dashboards with Infoveave Expressions feature

Link with Data allows you to configure your Datasource for the Infoboard storytelling. Infoveave allows you to link your Infoboard with three types of Datasources such as Infoveave Datasource, Query based Datasource and Raw Datasource. 

Let us explore on selecting the Datasource type for the Infoboard. Add Source

  1. To configure the Datasource, click on Add New Source button under Sources. This will allow you to select the source type for your widgets.
  2. Choose to configure from the below three Infoboard sources options Data Source Types
    • Start with Existing Datasource

      • This option lets you select from existing Datasources that contain relevant data for your Infoboard.
      • Choose the appropriate Datasource from the available list to incorporate data into your widgets.
    • Start with Query

      • Click the Use Query button to create a custom SQL query for your data.
      • Provide a name for the query for easy identification.
      • Select the Datasource on which the SQL query should be executed.
      • Compose the SQL query, specifying SELECT statements, conditions, joins, and necessary clauses.
      • Execute the SQL query by clicking the Run icon and save the query by clicking OK.
    • Start with Raw Data

      • Click on Use Data to set up your Infoboard using raw data from an Excel file.
      • Provide a name for the source for easy reference.
      • Paste the raw Excel data from your source file into the designated area within the setup.
      • Click the Show Table icon to generate a table from the pasted raw data.
      • Save the raw data source by clicking the OK button.
    • Use API

      • Click on Use API button to set up your Infoboard using API.
      • Provide the name , description, type, url.
      • Select API request type.
      • Configure Headers if required.
      • Click Validate to test the API response.
      • Click Save to store the Infoboard source.
    • Use Code

      • Click on Use Code button to set up your Infoboard using code.
      • Enter name and description.
      • Use the code editor to enter the script needed for data retrieval.
      • Click the Validate button to ensure there are no errors in the code.
      • Click Save to store the Infoboard Source.

Add & Configure Widgets

Add widgets to the Infoboard with the simple drag and drop feature to start configuring the widgets. Choose the appropriate Datasource type and define the required measures and dimensions. 

Configure Below are the steps on how to add and configure a widget in Infoveave.

  1. To configure widgets, drag and drop the required widget from the component panel to the Designer.
  2. To configure a widget on the selected template, click on the desired widget.
  3. Click on Configuration tab and configure the required fields such as Datasource, measures and dimensions.

To format the Measure

Format Measure

  1. Click on the gear icon , positioned next to the measure.
  2. Provide a suitable name for the measure.
  3. Specify the quantity or unit associated with the measure.
  4. Add a prefix if required.
  5. Choose the desired format from options like Auto, %, and None.
  6. Set the precision level for decimal places.
  7. Include a suffix if necessary.

To format the Dimension

Format Dimension click on the gear icon positioned next to the dimension and rename your dimension filed.

To format the Date Dimension

Format Date Dimension

  1. Click on the gear icon positioned next to the date dimension.
  2. Specify the name for the date dimension.
  3. Choose the order date for the dimension.
  4. Select the appropriate calendar type, such as Default, FY Calendar, or Custom Calendar.
  5. Set the level of granularity for the date dimension, including options like Default, Year, Quarter, Month, Week, or Day.
  6. Define the label format for the date dimension.

To add Drill Down filters

Drill Downs

  1. click on the Drill Down option in the Filter Configuration panel.
  2. Click on the Add Drill Level button to add a new drill down level.
  3. The configuration for each drill down level is similar to the Datasource configuration.

To add fixed filters

Fixed Filters

  1. locate the section
  2. click on + Add Filter, which allows you to add dimension filters and measure filters to the widget.

To configure a dimension filter

  1. Select the desired dimension from the available options.
  2. Choose the condition that best suits your filtering requirement (e.g., “are,” “are not,” “in,” “not in”).
  3. Enter the dimension value that you want to filter by.

To configure a measure filter

  1. Select the desired measure from the available options.
  2. Choose the condition that defines how the measure should be compared (e.g., “greater than,” “less than,” “greater than or equal to,” “less than or equal to,” “equals to”).
  3. If the value condition is selected
    • Enter the specific value that the measure should be compared against.
  4. If the measure condition is selected
    • Select the other measure from the available options that the current measure will be compared with.
  5. If you need to add multiple measure filters, you can repeat the above steps to configure additional measure filters. The AND/OR condition option will appear, allowing you to choose whether all the filters should match (AND) or at least one filter should match (OR).
  6. Save or apply the changes to the widget configuration.

Customize Widgets

The Widget Customization in Infoveave allows you to tailor the appearance of the selected widgets to meet the specific data visualization needs.

Below are the brief steps on how to customize a widget in the Infoboard designer. Customize Widgets

  1. To customize the widget, select the widget you want to customize on the designer canvas.

  2. Explore the available customization options, which include

    • Styling Adjust colors, fonts, borders, styles and backgrounds.
    • Labeling Modify labels and captions.
    • Interactivity Enable or disable tooltips and click-actions.
  3. To edit labels Axis Name, Value, or Label, click on the Label button under each customization tab.

  4. The main functionalities available for customization include

    • Font Size Adjust the size of the font used for the name, value, or label to ensure optimal visibility and legibility.
    • Font Style Choose from a variety of font styles to align the text with your desired design aesthetics and overall visual theme.
    • Alignment Customize the alignment of the name, value, or label to control their positioning within the widget, whether it be left, center, or right alignment.
  5. Click on Save to save the widget’s appearance and behavior.

  6. Click on the view icon to View the dashboard.

Create Infoboard Using AI

This feature automates the creation of your Infoboard using GenAI with very minimal input such as the input Datasource. GenAI automatically generates visualisations based on the data provided.

Select Input Datasource

select datasource Gen AI analyses the input data and provides a detailed summary of the data. You have the option to automatically generate an Infoboard or specify your choice of analysis parameters.

Choose how to generate Infoboard

choose dataset

Generate Infoboard automatically

generate infoboard with ai

Choose the option Generate Infoboard

  • Generate Infoboard does not require any further input and generates visualisations based on its analysis of data for 3 default layouts – Desktop, Mobile and Print.

  • You can delete unwanted visualisations by selecting the relevant chart and clicking on Delete

  • You can review the visualisations and ask AI to generate any more charts that are further required. You can do this by clicking on the option ‘Ask AI’ .

Specify your parameters by choosing Let me specify

choose dataset

Choose Let me specify let me specify Enter the required parameters for analysis and click on Build Infoboard

choose dataset

  • GenAI automatically generates visualisations based on the analysis parameters for 3 default layouts – Desktop, Mobile and Print.
  • You can delete unwanted visualisations by selecting the relevant chart and clicking on Delete

specify parameters AI generates detailed insights for each of the visualisations. You can view these insights by clicking on the icon next to the chart title

You can review the visualisations and ask AI to generate any more charts that are further required. You can do this by clicking on the option Ask AI

Ask AI a question

ask ai This feature of ask a question to AI is available for both AI generated Infoboards and Custom created Infoboards.

Upon clicking on this option, GenAI provides a summary of Insights, data and suggestions on what are the key factors affecting the KPIs.
ask ai screen

Post a question to AI

You can post a question to AI based on the data present and add that visualisation to the Infoboard.
ask ques

AI analyses the data based on the question asked and generates relevant visualisations. You can browse through them and select an appropriate chart to be included in your Infoboard analysed data Click on the Close button to go back to the Infoboard view. close

Save and View Infoboard


Save and preview the completed dashboard and confirm that the data and the design seamlessly align with your data storytelling goals.

  1. Click on Save to save the completed dashboard.
  2. Click on the View icon to preview the completed dashboard.